Ready for the ultimate transformation?
Sign up for Style Accelerator
and start your style & image transformation right away:
  • Everything you need to level up your image, style & wardrobe for your next level success:
    powerful step-by-step curriculum with video lessons, digital workbooks, your customizable digital Personal Style Guide & practical assignments.
  • Personalized support and guidance from Personal Stylist Nina Walder
    You are guaranteed personalized guidance and support through Weekly live Q&A & Coaching calls. You can join live or submit your questions and action items for feedback in advance & watch a replay.
    Calls are on Wednesdays @12 pm EST, last week of the month the call is on Saturday @12 pm EST.
  • Detailed feedback on your practical assignments & Outfits Review during Q&A calls whether you can or can NOT attend live.
    You will have acess to a private curated community for any question, feedback, and guidance - great alternative to get feedback if you can't attend live calls.
Standard investment to join Style Accelerator = $5K.
This is a limited time special offer available for the next few days only.
You get 1 year access to full program & personalized support - gives you plenty of time to uplevel your style, image and wardrobe in every season and for any occasion.

All prices are in USD
By purchasing access to Style Accelerator you agree to terms of purchase
transformative high-touch personal style program
Style Accelerator
Unlock your next level success through authentic, powerful style and intentional wardrobe, which works as a system & makes it easy for you to look and feel amazing every single day

By the end of Style Accelerator you will
  • Make Style Your Secret Asset for You
    & Your Business
    Your style & wardrobe will become a source of joy, confidence and power for you - whether you are dressing up for an important event, or a new date or casual errands - your outfits will support you and will help you achieve your goals quicker and easier.
  • Create a Style You Love
    No more wasting time and money on random clothes (that don't even make you happy). You will become confident picking the clothes and creating outfits that make you happy every single time and help you express yourself in your personal and professional life.
  • Build an Efficient Wardrobe
    You will be able to create such a wardrobe where everything is to mix & match, and it's easy, quick and inspiring to dress up. Say hello to endless & cool outfits options out of your own wardrobe for any occasion.
  • Make Color Work For You
    Whether you want to wear lots of color, or want to introduce just a few colors into your wardrobe, now you will know how. Side effect - your wardrobe will become so much more fun, inspiring and enjoyable and it can become a signature of your personal brand.
  • Effortlessly Dress Your Shape
    All bodies are beautiful, but not all the clothes are right for your body. Now, you will spot those that make your shape look amazing, so every time you look in the mirror, your own reflection will empower you and lift your mood.
    Feel your best whether speaking on stage or meeting clients in person.
  • Develop Style Skill For Life
    You will develop a real skill around style and wardrobe, that you can use for the rest of your life (and for any season and any occasion), get repeatable concepts you can apply again and again to continuously grow your power around your image. As your business grows, so will your style, and you will know how to adapt your image and wardrobe for your next level success.
By the end of Style Accelerator you will
  • Make Style Your Secret Asset
    Your style & wardrobe will become a source of joy, confidence and power for you - whether you are dressing up for an important event, or a new date or casual errands - your outfits will support you and will help you achieve your goals quicker and easier.
  • Create a Style You Love
    No more wasting time and money on random clothes (that don't even make you happy). You will become confident picking the clothes and creating outfits that make you happy every single time and help you express yourself in your personal and professional life.
  • Build an Efficient Wardrobe
    You will be able to create such a wardrobe where everything is to mix & match, and it's easy, quick and inspiring to dress up. Say hello to endless & cool outfits options out of your own wardrobe for any occasion.
  • Make Color Work For You
    Whether you want to wear lots of color, or want to introduce just a few colors into your wardrobe, now you will know how. Side effect - your wardrobe will become so much more fun, inspiring and enjoyable and it can become a signature of your personal brand.
  • Effortlessly Dress Your Shape
    All bodies are beautiful, but not all the clothes are right for your body. Now, you will spot those that make your shape look amazing, so every time you look in the mirror, your own reflection will empower you and lift your mood.
    Feel your best whether speaking on stage or meeting clients in person.
  • Develop Style Skill For Life
    You will develop a real skill around style and wardrobe, that you can use for the rest of your life (and for any season and any occasion), get repeatable concepts you can apply again and again to continuously grow your power around your image. As your business grows, so will your style, and you will know how to adapt your image and wardrobe for your next level success.
A few years back, my style (or lack thereof) was holding me back..
In fact, I spend my 20-s wearing mostly black and hiding myself, being very frustrated with my body and believing nothing fits and style is available for some other women, buying clothes all the time and having a huge closet, all while having absolutely nothing to wear.

On most times than not, I chose to not show up because I had nothing to wear or what I had to wear didn't make me feel good. I hided myself and limited my success.

And it only changed when I decided to take charge of my style. I started to show up powerfully online and in any in-person event. I claimed my confidence back and used the power of style to my every advantage.
And if I could do it, you could too!

And the best part is that it isn't just about pretty outfits, it's more about how it makes you feel because it then impacts how you approach everything.

When you love your reflection in the mirror, you have more confidence, more joy, more power and happiness - once I experienced all that on a regular basis, I set up on a mission to help other women transform their reality with style & self-image too for the better.

In fact, I spend my 20-s wearing mostly black and hiding myself, being very frustrated with my body and believing nothing fits and style is available for some other women, buying clothes all the time and having a huge closet, all while having absolutely nothing to wear.

On most times than not, I chose to not show up because I had nothing to wear or what I had to wear didn't make me feel good. I hided myself and limited my success.

And it only changed when I decided to take charge of my style. I started to show up powerfully online and in any in-person event. I claimed my confidence back and used the power of style to my every advantage.
And if I could do it, you could too!

And the best part is that it isn't just about pretty outfits, it's more about how it makes you feel because it then impacts how you approach everything.

When you love your reflection in the mirror, you have more confidence, more joy, more power and happiness - once I experienced all that on a regular basis, I set up on a mission to help other women transform their reality with style & self-image too for the better.

Believe me, this can be your reality ...
Imagine having a closet full of ready-to-use amazing outfits that empower you for whatever
your day may bring - whether you have a virtual event with clients or speak on stage, or running errands and meeting your power circle.

Imagine this confident, radiant woman who looks her best and smiles when she sees her reflection in the mirror. Every single day.

You can be this woman.

And have a style and wardrobe that works for you with ease & joy.
Let's make style your secret asset
through a 3-step system in Style Accelerator:
  • 1. Learn the System:
    Supercharge Your Style on Your Own Time
    Each module contains 3-5 super practical lessons in video format - from color to dressing your body to revising your wardrobe & creating a capsule closet - exactly what you need to level up your style & create outfits you love.

    You will also have digital workbooks with all material for future reference.
  • 2. Apply the System:
    Practical Style Assignments
    You will put into practice all that you've learned right away with fun and enjoyable practical assignments (you will love them!). And all of that to create your new style reality, upgrade your image and build the style skill for life that you can use again and again.

    You will get personalised feedback
    on your assignments during live calls.
  • 3. Get Unique Guidance:
    Weekly Calls with
    Nina Walder in mini-group
    Take everything a step further and get laser-focused guidance in live calls every week. These support and motivational calls will ensure you transform your wardrobe and style, and accelerate the whole process.

    You will get to ask anything about your style & outfits in the calls!
What Style Accelerator clients are saying:

Here's Bharti from the Middle East - she is a mother, a teacher, and an amazing woman with active lifestyle. She is very petite and has a large chest.
After years of struggle with her style & dressing her shape, she was able to completely transform her image and dress with ease.

Meet Anna from Washington DC, who is a head of Recruiting in a startup. She always wanted to have an efficient wardrobe which would express her personality with color and would work for all the areas in her life.
After many years of trying to figure it out by herself and little results, she joined Style Accelerator and was able to create a truly inspiring and functional wardrobe.

Meet Analisa from San Francisco, who is a new Mom and a realtor. Her body and lifestyle changed after pregnancy and she needed her style & wardrobe to catch up. She worked with a stylist before, but couldn't achieve a true transformation...

It is only when she went through Style Accelerator she became happy inside & outside with her style, image and wardrobe.

Lindsay is a Mom of 3 little kids from Canada, and she was looking to create more feminine style, which would also be comfy, practical and easy for her active life.

What's included in Style Accelerator
"Everything in this program has been pure joy" - Bharti, SA client from Kuwait
  • Access to the program, all curriculum and support for 1 year
    The program is very intentionally designed to take you on the transformative style journey over a 10-12 weeks period or longer if needed. You have access for 1 year for continued style support as the seasons change and there are any life updates.
  • Personalized Feedback, Guidance &
    Outfits Review
    This is not 'figure it all out by yourself' course, it is a program, where you get individual support, guidance and feedback on your style, outfits and progress. This is truly the secret sauce of Style Accelerator and you won't find this level of high-touch support anywhere else. You style is personal, so is the guidance you will get here.
  • Personal Wardrobe Guide
    You need a special digital place to store your outfit ideas and try-ons, wardrobe planner and wish list. This is a guided template that you work with throughout the program, which helps you move through the program, see your progress, build habits and create momentum.
  • Q&A and Coaching Calls
    The live calls are held weekly in small groups, so you can receive the needed guidance, get your questions answered and have undivided attention from Nina to help you develop your style, image and wardrobe. The calls are extremely powerful as you will also learn from other clients.
  • BONUS (while the offer is available) -
    Individual Session with Nina
    Sign up while the offer is available to get bonus (value = $1000): 1 * 45-min. individual session with Nina for more deep-dive on any questions you may have. As the session is 1-1, it is fully adaptable to you & your needs.
  • Private Curated Community
    This is your place to surround yourself with other ambitious women also on their style journey. Here we ask questions, share our finds, wins, progress, challenges, insights and get more feedback from Nina. This is a very supportive space to share your thoughts, get help and learn from others.
What's included in Style Accelerator
"Everything in this program has been pure joy" - Bharti, SA client from Kuwait
  • Access to the program, all curriculum and support for 1 year
    The program is very intentionally designed to take you on the transformative style journey over a 10-12 weeks period or longer if needed. You have access for 1 year for continued style support as the seasons change and there are any life updates.
  • Personalized Feedback, Guidance &
    Outfits Review
    This is not 'figure it all out by yourself' course, it is a program, where you get individual support, guidance and feedback on your style, outfits and progress. This is truly the secret sauce of Style Accelerator and you won't find this level of high-touch support anywhere else. You style is personal, so is the guidance you will get here.
  • Personal Wardrobe Guide
    You need a special digital place to store your outfit ideas and try-ons, wardrobe planner and wish list. This is a guided template that you work with throughout the program, which helps you move through the program, see your progress, build habits and create momentum.
  • Q&A and Coaching Calls
    The live calls are held weekly in small groups, so you can receive the needed guidance, get your questions answered and have undivided attention from Nina to help you develop your style, image and wardrobe. The calls are extremely powerful as you will also learn from other clients.
  • BONUS (while the offer is available) -
    Individual Session with Nina
    Sign up while the offer is available to get bonus (value = $1000): 1 * 45-min. individual session with Nina for more deep-dive on any questions you may have. As the session is 1-1, it is fully adaptable to you & your needs.
  • Private Curated Community
    This is your place to surround yourself with other ambitious women also on their style journey. Here we ask questions, share our finds, wins, progress, challenges, insights and get more feedback from Nina. This is a very supportive space to share your thoughts, get help and learn from others.
The support inside Style Accelerator is unparalleled
What's inside the program:
Style Accelerator is a high-touch transformative program that combines the power of style, image, wardrobe and self-image with a goal to make style your secret asset in every area of your life.

You can go through Style Accelerator during 10-12 weeks period, but you can make it work on your own schedule.
Most women take 4-5 months to comfortably go through all curriculum and adapt it to any schedule.
Week 1: Your Style DNA
In this module you will lay the foundation for your next level style, so it is a firm vision and reference point, not just a collection of random pretty clothes:
- you will identify the core of your unique style, in the context of what feels good to you and what works for you & your every day life (not just on special occasions),
- you will get clarity and vision around your desired style and approach it with a right mindset
- we will work on uncovering your values, patterns and setting up functional style for you and your life.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 3: Make Color Work for You
Through this module you will understand which colors make you glow and look your best. You will learn how to wear color elegantly and incorporate it into your wardrobe effortlessly:
- you will identify your color palette (aka your best colors)
- learn to wear color & mix colors in your outfits with ease & confidence (my secret methods beyond the color wheel theory).
- understand how to pick colors and wear any color you want (yes, it is possible, you just need to know how) & discover the secrets of color psychology to make it work for your image.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 5: Dress your Body Shape
Knowing how to pick the clothes that fit your body and highlight your best features is very powerful. You don't need to wait for the perfect body, you just need to pick the right clothes for you and you will be able to do so through this module:
- you will learn how to determine and understand your body shape and your unique features,
- which silhouettes to pick for your body to play up your favourite features
- and you will know which clothing pieces to avoid or how to camouflage anything.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 7: Outfits Building
& Wardrobe Reset
In this module you will set up your wardrobe as a system to make style easy for you, gain clear guidance and develop your skill around putting outfits together.

- you will learn how to put together chic outfits every time
- discover outfit formulas, so it's easy for you to put together outfits for any occasion
- create fresh & stylish outfits out of your own closet
- reset your wardrobe to make it work as an efficient and easy system.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 9: Create a Capsule Closet
Through this module you will lay the foundation for a super efficient wardrobe, where everything is to mix and match, and you have a great variety of outfits. This is the next step of creating the style system.

- you will learn and create a capsule wardrobe for you (hint: you will love this exercise)
- get to know the exact 'ingredients' of a versatile wardrobe and what to lookout for
- understand how to pick quality pieces and build a wardrobe that works in the long run.
Say hello to endless outfits in your wardrobe!

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 10: Bonuses
You will get to learn about those finishing touches that make a difference to your style - from accessories to hair & make-up.

Once you build the foundation, it then comes down to little details that truly bring everything next level. Here, you will understand how to shop strategically and efficiently, how to develop your accessories wardrobe (no more wasting money on fading trends, your accessories will also be true investment pieces), and how to dress for any photoshoot - be it for personal or professional event.

Week 1: Your Style DNA
In this module you will lay the foundation for your next level style, so it is a firm vision and reference point, not just a collection of random pretty clothes:
- you will identify the core of your unique style, in the context of what feels good to you and what works for you & your every day life (not just on special occasions),
- you will get clarity and vision around your desired style and approach it with a right mindset
- we will work on uncovering your values, patterns and setting up functional style for you and your life.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 3: Make Color Work for You
Through this module you will understand which colors make you glow and look your best. You will learn how to wear color elegantly and incorporate it into your wardrobe effortlessly:
- you will identify your color palette (aka your best colors)
- learn to wear color & mix colors in your outfits with ease & confidence (my secret methods beyond the color wheel theory).
- understand how to pick colors and wear any color you want (yes, it is possible, you just need to know how) & discover the secrets of color psychology to make it work for your image.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 5: Dress your Body Shape
Knowing how to pick the clothes that fit your body and highlight your best features is very powerful. You don't need to wait for the perfect body, you just need to pick the right clothes for you and you will be able to do so through this module:
- you will learn how to determine and understand your body shape and your unique features,
- which silhouettes to pick for your body to play up your favourite features
- and you will know which clothing pieces to avoid or how to camouflage anything.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 7: Outfits Building
& Wardrobe Reset
In this module you will set up your wardrobe as a system to make style easy for you, gain clear guidance and develop your skill around putting outfits together.

- you will learn how to put together chic outfits every time
- discover outfit formulas, so it's easy for you to put together outfits for any occasion
- create fresh & stylish outfits out of your own closet
- reset your wardrobe to make it work as an efficient and easy system.

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 9: Create a Capsule Closet
Through this module you will lay the foundation for a super efficient wardrobe, where everything is to mix and match, and you have a great variety of outfits. This is the next step of creating the style system.

- you will learn and create a capsule wardrobe for you (hint: you will love this exercise)
- get to know the exact 'ingredients' of a versatile wardrobe and what to lookout for
- understand how to pick quality pieces and build a wardrobe that works in the long run.
Say hello to endless outfits in your wardrobe!

Followed up by implementation week &
a live call, where you will receive personalized feedback & guidance.
Week 10: Bonuses
You will get to learn about those finishing touches that make a difference to your style - from accessories to hair & make-up.

Once you build the foundation, it then comes down to little details that truly bring everything next level. Here, you will understand how to shop strategically and efficiently, how to develop your accessories wardrobe (no more wasting money on fading trends, your accessories will also be true investment pieces), and how to dress for any photoshoot - be it for personal or professional event.

BONUSES - total value of $2496
In addition, you will get access to my style secrets on these key topics to make you feel complete in your style transformation:

Accessorizing is key to having a put-together look and you will learn how to pick the right accessories for you. How and where to shop for right accessories.

I will share personal stylist's shopping hacks, which will save you time & money, whether shopping online or offline. You will know how to shop smart & will stop buying without any system.

3. HAIR & MAKE-UP - $499 value
Learn the key principles when it comes to your hair & make-up, which would complement your natural beauty & go together with your style.

4. DRESS FOR THE CAMERA - $499 value
Discover style secrets to look incredible on camera, whether for a video or a photoshoot.

What Style Accelerator clients are saying:
"I'm so happy with my outfits and wardrobe now!"

Meet Anna from Washington DC, who is a VP in Recruiting in a startup in New York. Anna has always loved style and fashion, she already had quite a few cute pieces, but she wanted to have a cohesive wardrobe and learn how to dress her new body size after injury.
Anna was able to achieve all her style goals & beyond through Style Accelerator, she is size 12-14 US and she has an amazing style now!
Anna from Washington DC talks about her results after Style Accelerator

"Style Accelerator was unlike anything I've ever done, but I think as a continuous education this absolutely shall be done."

Megan is a nurse from New York, and she struggled to find her style, always bought a lot of stuff, but could never figure out what worked for her. She felt she still dressed like she is 21, while she is 30 now and wants to look feminine & confident.

In this short video she is sharing how she went from style confusion to clarity.
Megan from New York talks about her journey with Style Accelerator

"My biggest regret - I should have done this course 10 years ago. I would have saved SO much money."

Meet Bharti - a teacher, a mother, an amazing woman with very active lifestyle from the Middle East. For a long time, she was looking to upgrade her style & image, to create stylish and comfy looks.
She previously worked with a stylist, took a couple of style courses before, but was never able to get a desired result …. until we started working together in Style Accelerator.
Bharti from Qatar talks about her journey with Style Accelerator

"BEST investment in myself after university education!"

Meet Lindsay from Canada. She is a mom of 3, she has a very active lifestyle and she needed a casual, comfy, yet feminine and put together look to work for her life.

Lindsay says "This new knowledge about how to express myself through style gave me so much confidence immediately".

Here are the 3 biggest shifts for Lindsay since going through Style Accelerator:
- "Through planning my wardrobe, I'm saving so much time every morning and look great every time"
- "Almost every time I go out in the public, I get compliments on my outfits"
- "It's about knowing myself so much better, enhancing my beauty that was already inside me"
Lindsay from Canada shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

"I can not recommend Style Accelerator highly enough, it opened my eyes on so many levels, and I see clothing and style so differently now. My ''nothing to wear" is sorted out after many years of frustration!"

Maria is a lawyer from Dubai, who had a persistent problem of 'nothing to wear', while having full closets. Her weight also changed recently, and she was confused on how to dress for her body, because she didn't want to resort to baggy clothes.

Check out this conversation with Maria >>>
Maria from Dubai shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

"I feel so empowered after Style Accelerator, now I know great style is achievable for me. I now know the ways how I can do that and I now have the confidence for it."

Meet Cara, a busy working mom from LA, who thought that great style was for some other women and she was never going to be that person. Especially since for her, as a mom, comfort is very important.

Check out this conversation with Cara >>>
Cara from Los Angeles shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

"I loved learning the HOW and WHY of style in the program. It is deep and had been like therapy for me."

Meet Lacey, an entrepreneur from Dallas, who wanted to learn how to dress her body - since her weight changed, she no longer knew how to approach her wardrobe and style situation.

She says: "I loved learning the HOW and WHY of style in the program. It is not about latest trends or 10 items for this or that body type, but an in-depth immersion, where you learn HOW. If you want a certain silhouette, this is how you can do that, if you want something totally else, there is another way to do that. It is deep and had been like therapy for me."

Check out this conversation with Lacey >>>
Lacey from Dallas, Texas shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

"I have gotten so many compliments on my new outfits since Style Accelerator. People are really stopping me and saying: "I love your outfit". I feel really put together and confident."

Carrie is a Marketing professional, who works in tech in San Francisco, and she struggled to find her style, understand her body and dress cute & appropriate at the same time. She shares how she went from style confusion to clarity: "I used to have such a skewed image of my body, but after learning and understanding my body, I'm taking more risks with style and clothes. Shopping has become more fun and strategic for me."

Check out this conversation with Carrie >>>
Carrie from San Francisco shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

Meet Habiba, an executive manager from Paris, France, with whom we worked inside Style Accelerator.

She was looking to upgrade her style & image, but was afraid it will take her too much time to understand and implement the changes, especially since style and fashion were very foreign to her and she has a lot going on in her life…

She was wondering whether 1-1 Personal Styling service might be better for her, but she joined my high-touch program Style Accelerator and never looked back.
Habiba from France shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

"I am a lover of fashion, and I took plenty of style & fashion courses before, but I got the most value of yours, and that's because of your hands-on approach, you being an honest and knowledgeable guide in the process, giving feedback throughout the program and helping me see my blind spots."

I appreciate a cohesive functional wardrobe, that was my biggest goal coming into a program, which I achieved, but I got so much more. One - is wearing color now, it's so inspiring, and you really get to stand out in a sea of blacks. Another is knowing how to put together the wardrobe that I like and appreciate. I recommend this program to anyone with highest regards!
Samantha from New York shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

Dhanisha is an Accountant from Texas, who wanted to feel good in her outfits:

"My closet was full, but I wasn't happy, I was always wearing the same clothes. I tried copying outfits I see on Instagram, but there was a disconnect: either it isn't exactly me, or it doesn't fit my body or the colors don't look good on me.

And you are going to wear clothes your whole life, so it was important for me to learn how to do it and feel good in clothes.

That's why I signed up for Style Accelerator and what made the biggest difference is having your individual attention and feedback. And I really appreciate your approach: you are not saying "oh here are the slides, wear this, don't wear that", but you are really teaching us a skill."
Dhanisha from Texas shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

Anna is a Financial Analyst from Houston, Texas, and she wanted to break the cycle of constant shopping & nothing to wear. She says:

"I work in corporate, so my closet consists only of navy blue, black and grey and I'm tired of it, I have full closets, but wear only 10% of what I own and it's always the same outfits. Every month I bought more and more clothes, but it didn't seem to help. I tried to solve it on my own for the past two years with not much success, so I was ready to go through a real program…

Style Accelerator helped me to finally incorporate other colors in my wardrobe and to start shopping very consciously. I'm clear about what and why I need, and I make sure to shop my own closet first".

Check out this conversation with Anna >>>
Anna from Houston shares her journey and results after Style Accelerator

"I didn't want to join your program at first, because I thought it's just online content" - says Bharti, who joined Style Accelerator earlier this year.

Now she says: "I'm truly enjoying the program and I've made such big changes to my style and wardrobe. I did other online programs before, but in yours it's really different because you are there for me for support and accountability and any questions I have. And this is what makes the biggest difference and why it actually works."

Yes!! This is exactly why and how Style Accelerator works.
Bharti from Qatar shares how Style Accelerator is working for her
3 Keys to Elevated & Efficient Style.
Here is What I believe:
  • Timeless Style
    over trends or brands
    Focusing on trends is the fastest way to feel overwhelmed in your style journey. Brands are less relevant for you to feel your best self.

    When you develop your unique personal style, you know what works for you and your lifestyle and don't get distracted by all the latest fashion.
    Through Style Accelerator you will be able to pick clothes that you will love & wear for a long time.
  • Confidence & Joy
    getting dressed
    Are you bored with your current wardrobe and wearing the same thing over and over?

    Imagine seeing endless possibilities in your closet and knowing how to make the most of what you already own. You know how to create multiple outfits and dress for how you want to feel. If you aspire to put together a cute outfit for your every day life, not just special occasion, Style Accelerator is for you.

  • Style & Radiance
    here and now
    Are you tired of delaying the best version of you just because you wait to loose weight, get a new job...?

    You can be stylish & radiant regardless of your weight or shape, where you live and where you shop. It really doesn't matter for a real style.
    Stop waiting and finally take charge of your style - you will love dressing for the best version of you every day. And it will impact every other area of your life.
Style Accelerator is right for you, if you want to
  • Establish your authentic style & build unique personal brand
  • Stop feeling insecure or doubting your clothing choice
  • Transform your wardrobe into a closet full of ready-to-use fabulous outfits that empower you and make style and getting dressed easy for you
  • Stop wasting loads of money on random clothes that you never wear and cluttering your closet
  • Pick clothes that flatter your body & put together effortless outfits every day
  • Stop wasting time and feeling frustrated when it comes to getting dressed
Want style updates?
Become a VIP for more style tips from your personal stylist Nina Walder
Here's your journey inside Style Accelerator:
Ready for your style transformation?
Sign up for Style Accelerator
and start your style & image transformation right away:
  • Everything you need to level up your image, style & wardrobe for your next level success:
    powerful step-by-step curriculum with video lessons, digital workbooks, your customizable digital Personal Style Guide & practical assignments.
  • Personalized support and guidance from Personal Stylist Nina Walder
    You are guaranteed personalized guidance and support through Weekly live Q&A & Coaching calls. You can join live or submit your questions and action items for feedback in advance & watch a replay.
    Calls are on Wednesdays @12 pm EST, last week of the month the call is on Saturday @12 pm EST.
  • Detailed feedback on your practical assignments & Outfits Review during Q&A calls whether you can or can NOT attend live.
    You will have acess to a private curated community for any question, feedback, and guidance - great alternative to get feedback if you can't attend live calls.
Standard investment to join Style Accelerator = $5K.
This is a limited time special offer available for the next few days only.
You get 1 year access to full program & personalized support - gives you plenty of time to uplevel your style, image and wardrobe in every season and for any occasion.

All prices are in USD
By purchasing access to Style Accelerator you agree to terms of purchase
Interested in working with Nina and joining Style Accelerator?
Do you have any other questions or want to make sure this program is a right fit for you?

DM me at or on Instagram here at any time.
I can't wait to hear from you!
Meet your style coach
Welcome! My name is Nina Walder.
I'm super excited to guide you on this journey and help you supercharge your style & wardrobe!

As a Personal Stylist and creator of Style Accelerator, I've helped hundreds of women transform their lives & businesses through better style. It is my true passion to help women look and feel their absolute best.

And I'm happy to share my exact framework of developing a unique personal style & image with you and guide you on this exciting journey.

In a nutshell:
  • Certified fashion stylist and image-consultant
  • Creator of the online Style Accelerator
  • I believe a great style is available for any woman - no matter body size or shape, where you live or where you shop, or anything else. It is a skill that you can develop and use to your advantage.
  • Entrepreneur with 10 years of experience, holder of Bachelor's and Master's in International Business, so I understand the power of style in business and use it every day myself-)
More on my story here >>
What my clients are saying:
Check more of my clients cases on IG here and here >>>
I'm on a weight-loss journey. Is it better to join now or when I'm at my ideal weight?

— I would highly recommend NOT delaying dressing your best until some uncertain moment in the future, because it's truly possible to actually rock your style in any size or weight.

Here are a few things I'd love you to consider:

  1. Life's happening right now: No matter where you're at in your weight loss journey, you're still getting dressed and showing up in the world every day. Why not make the most of it and learn to rock your current shape with confidence?
2. Womens' bodies change all the time: It's normal for our bodies to go through changes because of age, lifestyle, and other factors. By learning how to dress for your current shape, you're building a skill that'll help you adapt no matter what changes come your way.

3. In Style Accelerator you'll learn strategies that you'll be able to apply to you in any size or weight. So, when your body changes, you'll know exactly how to keep looking and feeling amazing.

Finally, by creating awesome outfits now, you'll be more inspired and excited during your weight loss journey.
And check out what one of my clients, Anna, says about her style & weight-loss journey >
Does my age/location/profession matter?

— Style is timeless and unique to you and your lifestyle and nothing is a barrier to having an amazing style.

In the program, I've worked with clients from the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Dubai, Switzerland, Spain, Finland, Germany, Italy and other countries. My clients come from big and medium-sized cities, from small villages and even rural areas.

Every client is different (from nurse in NY to marketing executive in SF to a new mom in Sydney) and has different needs, style preferences, bodies, etc, and every one is developing their own unique 'recipe' for style.

— Does this work for all shapes and sizes?

— Absolutely! Size is just a number, and you can have an amazing style regardless of your size, weight, height or any other specifics.

In the program you will learn style principles, which will apply to your unique body shape and any size. There is no one way or rule to dress a certain shape, but there are strategies to make your body look the way you prefer, and you will be able to learn that through the program.

— Who do you usually work with inside Style Accelerator?

— Here's a little glimpse of amazing women, who are already inside Style Accelerator:

- Professional women from many different industries (from finance to hotel management to HR and science), who want to look the part at their work, who want to be seen and heard, who want to project a certain image and progress quicker in their career

- Female entrepreneurs, who want to build a certain image online and offline and style is an essential part of it

- Women in real estate and other client-facing industries, where fist impressions matter especially a lot

- Moms (with children of all ages - from toddlers to almost grown-ups), who want to learn to dress their new shape, to appreciate the changes in their body and to find their new style identity

- Women who are just starting out their career after University and want to create style & wardrobe with intention...

Some women come and they have an idea for their style and quite a few cute outfits, but not a cohesive wardrobe, some women come with a blank state and build their style and wardrobe from the ground up. It doesn't matter where you start, there are tools and support that will work for you inside Style Accelerator.
— How to ensure that I will actually change my style and it won't be another 'nice thing to know'?

— Style Accelerator is a system that ensures you transform your style and wardrobe.
You gain necessary knowledge (the foundation) for your style, then you implement it with action items, and then you get laser-focused personalised guidance and feedback on it through weekly live calls. Without one or another it won't work that well, but all 3 elements together are extremely powerful.

In most programs, you get only knowledge, and then it's extremely hard to implement on your own, but in Style Accelerator you have powerful practical assignments and my close guidance on top of highly actionable lessons, that come from my experience of working as a Personal Stylist with many women of all sizes and shapes.

Every module in the program is designed to equip you with necessary knowledge & skill in certain topic.
For instance, after 'Dressing your body' you will understand all about the body proportions & shape, and get to do exercises where you will know from now on how to dress your body.
In Color module you will figure out your colors and you will learn to mix colors in the outfits like a pro.
All these topics are vital for building a style and wardrobe you love, it won't work without one or another, so you will get to learn exactly what you need for your style transformation.

— How much support will I have between the calls?

— In each module you have a practical assignment, and I will provide a personalised feedback with my professional advice and an outside perspective on it for you. It is quite a detailed, professional and honest feedback.
The assignments range, but the goal with each one is for you to work on different style topics, build a skill around style, and having me, as your teacher, providing feedback really helps the progress. With each assignment you can ask questions, of course.

Besides, under each training video you can also ask questions in the comments section.

Will I always have a chance to ask my question during Q&A calls?

The calls are held in a mini-group, so you will always get a chance to ask your question during live calls.
If there are a lot of questions in a particular call, it will go beyond the scheduled 60 min., because my goal is to ensure you get necessary support and feedback from me.
I'm on a weight-loss journey, shall I sign up now or wait?

— It is a very personal decision and I encourage you to be honest with yourself.
If you are on a very clear track of consistent weight loss, you may want to wait a little bit to come to your stable weight.
If that's another 'excuse' that delays your life, prevents you from dressing your best and liking your reflection in the mirror, then ask yourself whether you are happy to delay it or it's time to take action because there will always be 'something' in life.
— What if I can't make it to the calls? Will they be recorded?

— Absolutely! All the calls are recorded, and you will be able to access the replay in the member's area.
If you know you won't be able to make it to the call, you can send in your questions in advance, I will answer them during the call and you will be able to watch/listen to a replay. It comes with a timestamp for you, so it's all very convenient and easy to access.
How will I study in the Style Accelerator?

— All curriculum is online, with no physical attendance needed! You can study in your own space and time from anywhere in the world.
The material is presented with video lectures and downloadable digital workbooks, making this style transformation easy to do.

Weekly calls are live on Zoom, you can attend them and/or access the recordings later on.
— What if I'm too busy to do the work?

— You have 1 year access to this program. I will encourage you to follow the schedule and attend live Q&A sessions, but you will be able to access all the lessons and recordings any time.

A lot of SA clients who join are busy professionals (and let's admit we all live busy lives!), but the program is made in a way that it is very much to the point, it's highly actionable, and at the same, it's very enjoyable!
Check out the testimonials from the past clients here.
I know how to look good in a dress & heels, but I want to dress nice & comfy for my every day life. Will this program help?

— Yes! This program doesn't teach a specific style or encourages you to wear only dresses (or any particular piece of clothing for that matter!), it is up to you to decide and develop a style that works for you, however you want it to be. You will learn many different ways to put together a cool outfit and you adapt it fully for yourself.

— I do not know which style I like. Will this program help me to figure it out?

— Definitely! In fact, the whole first module is dedicated to understanding what it is that you want and need - we are building a style, which would work for you, not just a collection of pretty clothes. It is highly personal, and you will get to do a few exercises, which will give you so much clarity on the relevant style for you. Good-bye confusion & hello clarity & confidence for your new style!
I'm a full-time mom and my style is very casual. Will this program help in my situation?

— Absolutely! In the program you learn universal styling principles, you pick the relevant ones for you and adapt them to your unique situation.
In fact, since covid, for a lot of us style has become much more casual, and comfort is very important, so a lot of women who join SA have similar goals - to develop a cute style for every day.
You will learn to do so, and will know how to spice up and put together casual but chic outfits at the same time.

— Will I need to shop right away and buy a lot of clothes?

— NO! Most women struggle with impulsive and constant shopping, and one of our goals is to put an end to it. So first you will define the vision for your style, then you will learn all the necessary style principles, so instead of random shopping you will know exactly what type of clothes you need. You will also learn to put together a capsule wardrobe, so before you actually buy anything you have put a system in place.
Only at the very end of the program (after 10 weeks) you may actually go and shop.
— I don't have big budget for clothes, how do I know if this is the best investment for me?

— How much did you spend on clothes in the last year or two? More than at least $2000? (I know most of us have thousands $$$ hanging in our closets without any wear). Choose style education instead of more random clothes (that you don't even wear!).
Take the money you were going to throw at clothes you were just kind of guessing on, and invest it in learning how to shop smarter for a priceless wardrobe you know how to remix and absolutely love.
A few months from now, you'll be grateful you put a hold on buying more things, to take this time to learn what really works for you.

— I'm trying to buy less. Will this program make me want to shop more?

— Absolutely not! My goal is to teach you the best use of the closet you already own first and foremost and then shop sustainably if you wish so.
Through this course you will discover and shape your style as it suits your body, your budget and your personality. In fact, I do not recommend to buy anything throughout the course, because we lay the foundation first and only when you are very very clear of what it is exactly that works for you and what is missing in your wardrobe, you could shop.
In any case, we always begin with what you have - we will shop your own closet first. And you may even discover you already have most of what you need, you just didn't know how to mix and match it in other way.
— I have a fear that I may not get the results I desire..

— This it totally valid, and I want you to know this:

1. We've all been there: feeling overwhelmed and unsure if we can really make a change. But guess what? My past clients have been there too, and they've achieved amazing transformations (have you seen their stories here and here?). The supportive Style Accelerator community will help you stay on track and find the motivation you need.

2. Personal style is more than just looking good—it's about personal growth and self-discovery. Embrace the Style Accelerator program as an opportunity to improve yourself, gain confidence, and feel accomplished.

3. Don't worry about a one-size-fits-all approach—this program is all about personalization. We'll help you find your unique style based on your preferences, lifestyle, and body shape. You'll get the guidance that's just right for you.

4. Need some accountability? We've got you covered. Our group coaching calls, community support, and check-ins will help you stay focused on your goals, even when you feel like giving up.

5. Don't try to do everything at once! Approach your style transformation with small, manageable steps. Breaking it down like this makes the process less daunting and sets you up for success.

6. Remember, the journey to personal style transformation might not be a straight line. Setbacks happen, and that's okay. Trust the program, be patient with yourself, and remember that lasting change takes time and effort.

Still feeling unsure? Reach out to us via email with any questions you may have (hello @, we are here to help you on your style journey and beyond.
What's your refund policy?

— Please refer to the terms & conditions above (next to the link to sign up), where you get all detailed information on terms of purchase.
In a nutshell, this program works (that's why you see so many powerful testimonials and results of my clients), especially if you are ready to give it a full go, and I haven't ever had a single request for a refund.
— How much time I would need to dedicate to the course?

— It depends a bit on how in-depth you want to go in the course. But on average, dedicating around 90 min. each week into going through the module & completing the practical assignments would do.
I worked hard to make videos super practical, actionable, short and to the point, and you won't learn any unnecessary theory.

Ready for your style transformation?
Sign up for Style Accelerator
and start your style & image transformation right away:
  • Everything you need to level up your image, style & wardrobe for your next level success:
    powerful step-by-step curriculum with video lessons, digital workbooks, your customizable digital Personal Style Guide & practical assignments.
  • Personalized support and guidance from Personal Stylist Nina Walder
    You are guaranteed personalized guidance and support through Weekly live Q&A & Coaching calls. You can ask any questions via video/audio/chat. Calls are on Wednesdays @12 pm EST, last week of the month the call is on Saturday @12 pm EST.
  • Detailed feedback on your practical assignments & Outfits Review during Q&A calls whether you can or can NOT attend live.
    You will have acess to a private curated community for any question, feedback, and guidance - great alternative to get feedback if you can't attend live calls.
Standard investment to join Style Accelerator = $5K.
This is a limited time special offer available for the next few days only.
You get 1 year access to full program & personalized support - gives you plenty of time to uplevel your style, image and wardrobe in every season and for any occasion.

All prices are in USD
By purchasing access to Style Accelerator you agree to terms of purchase
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