4 steps to great personal style

When we think of style, we usually think of a pretty outfit, some signature looks.

And that is right, but a great personal style is the one that works for your lifestyle too. It has to be practical, otherwise why you need a closet full of stunning dresses and nowhere to wear them?

So there are a few elements to it. Hope it helps!

1. How does your life look like?

Write a list of every activity you do in an average two weeks. Include everything from lounging at home to meeting clients to date nights. Then create a pie chart out of it - this will give you an idea of how your wardrobe shall look like.

2. How do you want to look & feel?

When you know what it is you need to dress for, next step is to think how you want to look & feel.

Working in the office & want to look extra polished &
professional? Or you are a stay at home mom and you want to be super comfy, yet a bit stylish for when you meet your friends?
Think of that + brainstorm corresponding clothes.

3. Create a visual guidance for you

Your style is a mix of preferences for different elements — like colors, silhouettes, textures, and patterns, but often you stick to the same type of clothes, just because it's very hard to invent a great style out of your own head. But you don't need to!

Just gather some inspo in a strategic manner (what you would actually wear in your real lite) and it will give you a myriad of ideas of different types of outfits.

Pinterest is a great way to start!

4. Understanding what you like & what works for you

Once you've gathered your outfit ideas and all the inspo, try to spot the patterns - what are the key elements there? Any specific colors & textures you are drawn to?

This type of quick analysis will let you narrow down your preferences in a structured manner.

Filter out all the outfit ideas ensuring they:

- work for your lifestyle
- work for you specifically (the type of clothes & colors are flattering for you & your body). This is something that may come natural to you or you may learn it too.

This is it in a nutshell! These 4 steps are a great way to start!


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