How to look expensive & put together?

Dress Zara and similar

Blazer Sandro

Shoes Zara similar

Bag Wandler in neutral

This was the most asked question in my Q&A in stories yesterday, so let's dive in! There is a lot to it, but here are my best few tips to start:

1. Hair & Makeup & Skin
This is seriously the best hack to level up any outfit (even the most basic of jeans and a tee)! When you have fresh hair, glowy skin and a little touch of makeup to highlight your best features, you instantly look like a million bucks.
It's really a little effort that goes a long way.

2. Fit of the clothes
This is commonly overlooked one, but the clothes that fit you just right (not too big, not too tight either) will make your outfit look more 'expensive'. As a petite, tailor is my friend, and I also make sure to pick pieces that fit my frame.

3. Accessories & jewelry
Add a couple of accessories to any basic outfit, and it won't look so basic anymore, because it's all about the details.
And you can actually find pretty cute fashion jewelry & bags and other pieces in mass market and no name brands too. Just need to spot the right ones.

4. 'Clean' silhouette
Have you noticed that most of those chic outfits look actually pretty simple? It's more about good basics, good fabrics, some structure in the outfit and

5. Good color combos
You know how a lot of times something is off (even when clothes are expensive!) when the colors don't go together. Find the combos you like and that work (like beige and blue, green and gold, etc.) or better yet, learn a bit more about colors - it's actually not so difficult, and would make the whole style thing so easy.

PS if you are wondering - expensive for me is about looking your best, looking like I care. I'm definitely doing it for me, and not for the impression, but for how it makes me feel.

What are your best hacks to look put together? Is it something you care about?


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