She got her power and time back, but how?
Look at this stylish mama transformation
Yesterday, I posted a picture on IG (this one) and asked about your challenges with style.

I got immediately flooded with comments and DMs, but one message stood out to me:

"I have no time to look like that, and I also need my comfort, so as much as I want to look stylish, it isn't for me".

Wow, this is such a big misconception ????

But I get to hear that a lot.

That style means heels. If it's stylish, it can't be comfortable. It means loads of time. Loads of clothes. Expensive clothes. Being obsessed with fashion, trends and appearance..

Oh my!

But what if it isn't true?

What if you can have your comfort and look great? What if you can make getting dressed easy for you? And you could put together cute outfits every time for any occasion? And you can have a long-lasting wardrobe with all to mix and match.

YES! It is totally possible, and it could be your reality whether you are a busy entrepreneur or working mom.

Meet Analisa from California, a new mom, who is caring for her toddler and works on the side in real state. In the past year, her body changed, her priorities shifted and her lifestyle got totally different. And she needed her style and wardrobe to reflect that and work for her.
So she joined Style Accelerator and did an amazing job.

Look at some of her before & after outfits, how amazing is this change!?
In our recent call, Samantha also shared with me that she has loved everything fashion since childhood, it's been her main hobby and she took a lot of courses in this area.... but she was only able to take full charge of her style and create a functional wardrobe she loves through Style Accelerator.
Can you see how her outfits are easy and comfy, but look good and put together!!??
These are the changes she's done as she went through Style Accelerator with me. She is a real woman with a lot on her hands, and she managed to do that.

So if you were looking for a confirmation that you could do both - style & comfort, and manage to fit it into your life, this is it))

And if you want to follow a system and make style easy for you, I invite you to join Style Accelerator >

The program is 10 weeks, with workshops on every style topic you need to level up your style (from defining your signature style to color to dressing your body to accessories and more), which you can watch at your convenience inside a member's area.

And what makes the biggest difference in the program and ensures your style transformation is this:

+ weekly coaching calls with me in a mini-group where you can ask any questions

+ personalised feedback on each practical assignments as you go through the program

+ daily access to me via a private community for any question, feedback, and guidance

And yes, you have a lifetime access to the program, all materials, community AND the calls.

It means that you can go through the program at your own pace and take all the time you need, no stress!

Some members come and join one call a month, some manage to come and join only once every 3 months, and some come almost every week - it all depends on your priorities and time, but you can make it work in any case.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out via email (hello <@> or send a dm on Instagram.
We will be happy to help!