READY for your amazing style?
Hi there,

You are amazing.

And you are unique. What you have is very special.

But one thing that might be keeping you stuck in your style, in your expression and how you feel in your body is .... thinking that you need to change something with you in order to look amazing and stylish, feel your best in your skin and feeling confident and empowered.

Like you need to loose weight and have a different shape.
Or change how tall or petite you are.

Or wait to start a new job. Or move to a better location...

I used to think that too in my 20-s ('how can I ever look great and stand straight being short and curvy when everyone is tall and lean??"), a lot of my clients come to me also believing that...

But the secret and the magic pill is very simple.

It is about aligning who you are and who you are becoming with how you look on the outside

It's about knowing yourself as a woman, listening to your desires and knowing how to express it with style.
And not settling for something that won't feel 100% to you.

Then your style looks intentional, you become magnetic and amazing opportunities just come into your life

Meet Anna, my amazing client with whom we worked inside Style Accelerator for the past few months.

This is her before:

Anna is a VP in Recruiting in a startup in Washington, she has a great personality (can you tell!!??), she always loved style and fashion, and her weight has been fluctuating because of the injury.

She applied to work with me because she wanted to create an authentic style, which would allow her to fully express herself, and she also wanted comfy look and efficient wardrobe.

Here's here after:
Can you tell just from the pictures and her outfits how much more happy and confident does she feel!?

That's the true meaning of my work - helping women become more of who they are and achieve their goals (whether it's attracting the love you want or levelling up in your career or anything else you desire), because it's truly possible through style.

The outside transformation impacts your self-image - how you see yourself. And when you see yourself in this new light, seeing yourself beautiful and loving your reflection in the mirror, everything is truly possible.

I know you want it for you and I also know it is truly possible for you.
You just need the right system and guidance along the way.

READY for your amazing style? Feeling unstoppable and powerful in your own body?

So let's go! I have a special invitation for you - I invite you to join Style Accelerator, my mini-group coaching container, where your greatness will be amplified through style.

See all details and sign up here >

Lots of love and I can't wait to meet you and work with you inside Style Accelerator,



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