ruining your polished professional style & how to avoid them

Masterclass Value = $55 | *FREE* for limited time


Polished professional style doesn't have to be boring, conservative or frumpy.

You don't need to have huge wardrobe in order to have many outfits.

There is a better way.
Let me show you how.

Your Results after the Masterclass:
  • Understand what's sabotaging your professional style, so you stop making those mistakes
    After working with 1000+ women as a Style Coach, I've seen women make the same mistakes over and over again.
    These are mistakes which make your style conservative, boring & frumpy instead of stylish and professional.
  • Learn how your next level wardrobe can propel your professional success
    Discover why and how your style impacts how others perceive you (do they see you as successful? competent? charismatic?) and how it equally affects your confidence and how you see yourself.
  • Discover the next steps to creating polished outfits and style in no time
    It's NOT about buying more stuff & exploding your wardrobe or spending loads of time on style. Learn the next steps to take to achieve polished professional style.

YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR FREE for limited time.
Meet your
Style Coach
Welcome! I'm Nina Walder, and I'm super excited to guide you on this style journey.

I work with high-achieving women worldwide, helping them curate functional & authentic style.

In the past few years, I've helped 1000+ women inside my programs transform their lives through better style, and I'm happy to share my exact framework of developing a unique personal style & building a functional wardrobe for work with you.

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Have a look at my clients' results
after implementing my strategies:
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